Natural Remedies for Night Sweats

Night sweats or sleep hyperhidrosis is excessive perspiration during sleep. The causes are varied –genetic-based factors, perimenopause, withdrawal from opiate drugs, etc. It is essentially harmless, unless it is a sign of an underlying disease or infection.

Cancers like lymphoma and leukemia have night sweats as one of their early symptoms, so if you suddenly get bouts of night sweats without prior history of having one, you might want to consult with a doctor.

Knowing the root cause of your night sweats and directly treating that cause is the best way to deal with sleep hyperhidrosis.

To relieve the discomfort brought about by chronic night sweats, here are effective natural remedies.

Take alfalfa and sage. In perimenopausal and menopausal women, sage and alfalfa have been proven effective for reducing hot flashes (which result in night sweats). A 2005 study performed in the School of Public Health, Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane showed the effectiveness of sage and alfalfa. In fact, two cups of sage tea alone do wonders in controlling excessive sweating for an entire day. You might want to latch on to the benefits of this combination

Avoid stimulants, especially before bedtime.Foods to avoid: caffeinated substances (this includes chocolates), acidic foods (citrus-based foods and pickled foods), spicy foods, hot drinks, alcoholic beverages, white sugar or refined sugar (switching to raw sugar is a much healthier choice), and foods that are laden with hydrogenated fat or saturated fat.

Wear comfortable and absorbent nightwear. Airy cotton is the best sleepwear material for chronic sufferers of night sweats. Tight, clingy, and synthetic fabrics exacerbate the sweating problem and may produce skin irritation.

Drink plenty of cold water. Hyperhidrosis may lead to dehydration, so you need to compensate in advance for the water loss.

A word of caution: If your excessive sweating is accompanied by palpitations, chest pain, fever, and shortness of breath, call your doctor as soon as possible.

James Horner is the author of “Sweat Free For Good!” To learn more about his book, visit

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