Skin toners are necessary for all skin types.Skin toners helps to improve blood circulation to the skin surface and gives the skin the glow that is associated with its good health. You can also make a natural skin toner at home. Tomato juice is a good skin toner.

Skin Toner for normal skin
Rose Water Toner: For normal skin, you can use half a tbsp of alum and 50gm of rose water and a 100gm of glycerine. Mix them together and store in the fridge.
Cucumber toner: This is a refreshing toner for normal skins. Chop up a small sized fresh cucumber and liquidize it with half a cup of yoghurt. Apply the mixture for 5-10 minutes, and wash it off. The remainder can be stored in the fridge for future use.
Skin Toner for dry skin
Skin Toner for dry skin
Mint toner: For dry skin, boil 2 handfuls of mint leaves in 100gm of water. This mint extract can be used as an anti-perspirant when you dilute it in water. Take 2 drops of it in a cup of distilled water to which half a tsp of alum has been added. A toner is applied to the face with cotton wool and it is quite refreshing.
Skin Toner for oily skin
Alcohol And Alum Toner: For this type, take one tsp of alcohol (available at the chemist's) 100gm of distilled water. Add half a tsp of alum, and make your toning solution.Storing it into the fridge helps in preserving it for a longer time, and also when you are all warm and sweaty, a cold toner is wonderfully refreshing.
Honey and egg Toner: Whisk one egg white until it thickens, then whisk in 1 tsp of honey. Finally add 1 tsp of lemon juice. Apply to your face and neck avoiding the delicate eye and lip areas. Leave it on for 10minutes and wash with warm water.
Tips for skin toning
Skin Toner for oily skin
Alcohol And Alum Toner: For this type, take one tsp of alcohol (available at the chemist's) 100gm of distilled water. Add half a tsp of alum, and make your toning solution.Storing it into the fridge helps in preserving it for a longer time, and also when you are all warm and sweaty, a cold toner is wonderfully refreshing.
Honey and egg Toner: Whisk one egg white until it thickens, then whisk in 1 tsp of honey. Finally add 1 tsp of lemon juice. Apply to your face and neck avoiding the delicate eye and lip areas. Leave it on for 10minutes and wash with warm water.
Tips for skin toning
Potato is a effective skin toner especially for dry skin. Rub a piece of potato alll over the face and then wash well with cold water.
A piece of cotton should be used with astringent lotions.
Take Two tablespoons of lemon juice and mix with 1 tablespoon glycerine and three tablespoons of rose water. Rub this juice on the dry skin.
For dry skin vitamin E and wheat oil are also effective.
An excellent skin toner is the rose. Make rose water by mixing one tablespoon rose oil with two and half litres of purified water. Put it in a bottle and store in a refrigerator.
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