No matter how old you are, you need to take care of your teeth and mouth. When your mouth is healthy, you can eat the foods you need for good nutrition. You will also feel better about smiling, talking, and laughing. Teeth are meant to last a lifetime. By taking good care of your teeth and gums, you can protect them for many years.
It is also important to take good care of your adult teeth. Yet, many people neglect giving their teeth the proper attention that they deserve. Practicing good dental hygiene is rather simple to do and you only need to spend a few minutes a day caring for your teeth. Good dental hygiene can prevent cavities, tooth decay, gum disease and bad breath. There are a few things that you can do every day, in order to care for your adult teeth.
When teeth become yellowish:
Do This:
* Rub with hydrogen peroxide (20 Vol.) using 1 part to 7 parts of water.* To stop tooth decay and any mouth diseases, the most economical thing to use is dry neem-leaf powder sprinkled on a little tooth paste on your brush.
* Brushing teeth with soda-bicarbonate removes nicotine and other dark stains also. It helps to prevent the formation of tartar and keeps the teeth white.
* Massage the gums daily with a mixture of pure mustard oil with a little table salt added to it. This will keep the teeth healthy and cure pyorrhea.
*Clean' the teeth and . mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash. also clean teeth and gums thoroughly, floss between teeth and even brush the tongue daily.
* For those who have' dentures, clean them daily with a brush and a suitable cleanser. Soak removable ones overnight in a mixture of 1 tablespoon household bleach and 1 teaspoon water softener in half cup water.
To prevent gum disease:
Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
Floss once a day.
Visit your dentist regularly for a checkup and cleaning.
Eat a well-balanced diet.
Quit smoking. Smoking increases your risk for gum disease.
There is a right way to brush and floss your teeth. Every day:
Gently brush your teeth on all sides with a soft-bristle brush and fluoride toothpaste.
Use small circular motions and short back-and-forth strokes.
Take the time to brush carefully and gently along the gum line.
Lightly brush your tongue to help keep your mouth clean.
Tips for a healthy mouth, teeth and gums:
Clean your teeth well twice a day, after breakfast and last thing before you go to sleep at night. After a meal have a drink of water (this washes your teeth and mouth).
Use a small toothbrush with soft bristles. Hard and medium bristled toothbrushes can damage teeth and gums.
Gently and thoroughly brush each side of every tooth and the gums. It should take about 3 minutes to do them all.
Avoid cleaning your teeth soon after drinking acid drinks such as orange juice. The acid in drinks softens the enamel, and cleaning can scratch the enamel while it is soft. Rinse your mouth with water, wait for about half an hour, then clean your teeth.
Dental floss cleans between your teeth, get your dentist to show you how to use floss.
Once a week you can check your toothbrushing skills by rinsing with a liquid called Disclo-gel*. This is a pink liquid that stains the plaque pink and makes it easier to see. Disclo-gel* can be bought from a chemist. If your teeth are not totally clean, there will be a pink stain on a tooth. Brush that stain off and remember how you did it, so that you can add that to how you clean your teeth.
Wash your hands after going to the toilet and before using your toothbrush.
Don’t start smoking. It stains your teeth and can lead to disease in the
Tooth-friendly foods and drinks:
Choose a wide variety of healthy foods every day.

If you can’t have dairy foods, look for foods which have calcium added (some soy drinks have added calcium).
Don't have lots of snacks between meals, especially ones that contain sugars and acids. These cause plaque to build up on teeth, which can cause tooth decay.
Choose water as your main drink. Tap water is best because it contains fluoride which helps harden and repair the enamel surface of teeth. Rinsing out your mouth with water after you have had something to eat helps stop plaque building up too. Tank water and bottled water (spring water) don’t have fluoride in them, so they don’t protect teeth as well as tap water.
Where possible, choose medicines and cough lollies that are sugar free.
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