Staying and Feeling Younger Looking
As the number of years in our age keeps climbing, we begin to feel and notice the changes that are taking place on our bodies. The hair strands begin to turn a lighter shade, the lines begin to appear in our faces, other body areas begin to droop where at one time they were firm, our pace seems to move a bit slower, and our sight, hearing and thoughts takes a nose dive. And yet, in all these things we have become wiser, observable, and are taking full responsibility to fight the aging obstacles with every ounce of strength that we possess.
It is being said today that the 80’s are the new 70s, the 70s are the new 60s and the 60s are the new 50s. Although each year, and they seem to be coming at a faster rate, we are growing older, the aging process is done gracefully. Individuals are now going after life instead of allowing a rocking chair to drain life from them. It is with this type of spirit that brings hope and enlightens us daily that there are ways to stay and feel younger looking.
Ways to Stay and Keep Looking Younger
• Activities. Find an activity that will keep you active. Quilting might be a good way to get out and socialize, but something more challenging that will get you moving might be an even greater idea. Form a walking club and get up each morning and try walking a couple of miles. Losing a few pounds will take years off of your life and it will do the body good. How about joining a dance group? There are many groups that are located across the United States that are not only just dancing for themselves, but they are travelling and performing at functions to entertain others.
• Dress Attire. Throw out those drab and out-of-style outfits that have been hanging around for years. They went out of style back in the 80s, so restock your wardrobe with color. Bright colors are for everyone and they speak volume to the youth in anyone’s closet. Set a day apart and go shopping. Take along a younger person, a daughter, granddaughter, son or grandson, someone who is up-to-date on the clothing trends to help you select a couple of outfits that will change your appearance in seconds. There are styles that are trendy, and yet classy enough to say that you do not look your age.

It is your life and you only live it once. Live it to the fullest and get all the gusto that you can out of it.
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