How To Make Your Husband Happy-Tips

Make Your Husband Happy By Following These Tips:

1). Understand him: He is working for you and the children, so instead of accusing him of not spending time with you, be understanding. He would want to spend his time with you too so if you accuse him, it will only frustrate and sadden him.

2). Give him Compliments: your husband will feel very happy by receiving any compliment from your side. Complimenting him will let him know how much you love him and are proud of him. And he will fall in love with you all over again.

3). Make him feel proud: Do something good for him and his family members. This will make him happy and proud on you and he will also try to give his best to u .

4). Give His Ego A Boost: It’s just that every man has a streak of ego in them and to stroke their ego once in a while means to keep them happy. You may as well be wearing the pants in a relationship but let him at least think that he is the master of the house.

5). Listen to him: Instead of fixing your gaze to the television and nodding nonchalantly, look him in the eyes and listen. Remember the days you both used to chat for hours on end and still it felt inadequate. He will feel very good.

6). Dress Well: Take good care of your body and fitness. Put on nice and attractive clothes and perfumes. Change hair style, perfumes, etc. from time to time. It will attract your husband.

7).Give respect: Give respect to him and his family members: Love his family the most and always use soft words for him and his family members. Instead of having a very formal relationship with his family, love his family as your own. Invite his parents for dinner every week and cook their favorite food. Remember their birthdays and anniversaries and throw a surprise party in their honor.

8). Cook for Him: Everyone knows that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach but rarely we follow on these adages. So start cooking for him.

9).Treat him like a new love: Treat him like a new love and do all those things you did when he was wooing you and you would see the transformation in him. Always remember that love remains same so give him time and love him more and more everyday.

10). Give Him Space: Giving space to your spouse is very essential otherwise he will feel boundness and will become frustrated so let him have the fun. Encourage him to call his friends at home and be a part of his group too.

11). Tell him you love him: Tell him that you love him and mean it too. Call him sometimes and tell him that you were missing him and wanted to hear his voice or just to tell him how much you love him. Although going over the top may sometimes irritate him.

12). Give him surprise: try to give him one surprise in a month. It will give happiness to him.

13). Make a Plan: Make a plan with him to go out for a dinner or anywhere on a short tour on weekends. It will change your mood and also helpfull to pass time together.

14). Don’t Disrespect Him Especially In Front Of His Friends: if you have something in your mind or you are feeling angry then don’t say any words in front of his friends and his family members. Say it when he is alone. Although you should not shout. It will create frustration.

15). Pleasing Him If He Is Angry: First off, try to avoid what will guarantee his anger. But if it happens that you can't, then try to appease him as follows: If you mistaken, then apologize but If he was angry because of external reasons then: Keeping silent until his anger goes and Do not ask many questions and insist on knowing what happened.

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lifestyle, Relationship Tips


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