Vitamins and your skin

Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can affect the body's ability to function optimally. Vitamins and minerals can be taken to supplement our diets when our nutritional needs are lacking through food consumption alone. Taking too much of any vitamin or mineral can be toxic and extremely dangerous. Please consult with a doctor or other trained healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplements
  • Vitamin A - Retinoids, derivatives of vitamin A, are used to treat acne and other skin disorders. Retinoids are prescribed by dermatologists both topically and orally. A common type of retinoid used in the oral treatment of acne is isotretinoin.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, chromium, zinc, and selenium are nutrients that may have both anti-acne and mood regulating properties according to an acne study conducted at the Lasky Skin Clinic in 2008.
  • Zinc - The National Library of Science recognizes that zinc may be effective in the treatment of acne based on available science evidence. The Department of Dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York also recognizes zinc, along with vitamin A, and tea tree oil (also ayurvedic therapies) as over-the-counter remedies available for treating acne. However, its position on these remedies is that additional and better studies are needed to clarify the benefits.
Essential Vitamins for Skin Care in General
Vitamin A - According to Dr. Eugene S. Bereston "the therapeutic use of Vitamin A began almost with the discovery of the vitamin." Bereston also noted that the first property of vitamin A is its ability to stimulate growth. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that vitamin A is vital to the health of both your skin and your eyes. The academy recommends a daily dose of vitamin A. Examples of vitamin A enriched foods include citrus fruits, carrots, tomatoes, yellow squash, and pumpkin. Vitamin A can also be applied to the skin topically with creams to promote cell growth.

Vitamin B - The Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institute of Health states that inflammation of the skin is one sign of B6 deficiency. Clinical signs of vitamin B6 deficiency are rarely seen in the United States. Alcoholics and aging adults are at the highest risk for B6 deficiencies due to poor dietary habits.

Vitamins C and E - The American Academy of Dermatology recommends daily oral dosages of vitamins C and E to protect the body and for its antioxidant properties that are important for healthy skin.
Zinc - A study conducted at Duke University provides evidence that Zinc is an important antioxidant supporting healthy skin. Among the findings: "Zinc protects against UV radiation, enhances wound healing, contributes to immune and neuropsychiatric functions, and decreases the relative risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease." So, in addition to the antioxidant benefits zinc offers to our skin, zinc is also important for the proper functioning of the immune system.
Vitamin C- When taken internally this vitamin helps maintain collagen -- the underlying supporting structure of skin. But sun exposure (and stress) can drain vitamin C from the skin, leaving it vulnerable to damage from the environment (why ant aging creams and sunscreens have been infused with this potent antioxidant). Best sources Citrus fruits and juices, slow cantaloupe, strawberries, tomato sweet peppers and green peas

Vitamin D -Vitamin D is available only in some foods, but the best way to obtain vitamin D is through the exposure to sunlight. A person would have to drink ten glasses of vitamin D fortified milk each day just to get minimum levels of vitamin D into their diet.
Fatty fish like mackerel, tuna and sardines and fish liver oils are among the best sources. Small amounts of vitamin D are found in egg yolks, fortified milk, fortified dairy products, fortified cereals are good natural sources of D. The milk is fortified with 100 IU/cup of vitamin D, which is 25% of the Daily Value.
1). Vitamin D is needed in the development of strong and healthy bones.
2). Vitamin D reduces back pain and osteoporosis.
3). Effective treatment for Multiple Sclerosis is completely free with vitamin D.
4). Vitamin D keeps minds of older men sharp.
            5). Vitamin D fights asthma.
6). Vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer: Vitamin D is the most effective medicine against cancer, more than the benefits of any cancer drug known to modern science!
7). Vitamin D is used to treat Psoriasis.
8). Vitamin D prevents depression, breast cancer, prostate cancer and the effects diabetes and obesity.


Vitamin E-Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that gently helps firm and bind tissue. It is also an antioxidant, which helps protect the body from damage caused by environmental pollutants. You can apply Vitamin E oil directly to chapped lips, on recent sunburn or to dry skin on the face. However, individuals with combination skin (i.e., dry and oily skin that is prone to acne) should avoid Vitamin E as it may further clog the pores. Apply Vitamin E oil (or related products) after bathing, while the skin is still slightly damp, to seal in the moisture. Look for hair care products that contain Vitamin E, as the emollient properties may be absorbed through the follicle, into the scalp.

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skincare, vitamins


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