Handbags: The handbag or purse is a helpful accessory, primarily carried by women. It is the Fashionable accessory too. You can hold many things in your handbags or purse like Handbags wallets, your makeup accessories, hanky, Mobile Phones, keys, Pen, tissues, business cards ,Small dairy and many more other things. The size of the handbags depends on your requirement that how much number of things you want to keep in your handbag. Early handbags weren’t carried in the hand, but instead they were worn around the waist.
There are many styles of handbags available in the market like small evening bags, or clutches, which may or may not have handles. Most handbags are worn over the shoulder, and some of these may have one or two straps. Additionally, those with short straps that can't be worn over the shoulder are called satchels.
Buying a bag can be a major decision for every woman .You can buy handbags/Purse from different shops available in your market but nowadays some women’s prefer to buy it from Internet site like eBay, Home shopping and many more. Before buying online, you all should keep some points in your mind to buy the best handbags.
1. A good way to avoid your chances of getting a fake is to look for new designer styles and products. Many companies have nice looking photos but when you actually receive the goods, they are completely different from what was showed to you on their website. Go for the branded products or with the known seller.
2. When you found an item on eBay in which you are interested in, check, if the seller is selling more than one of the same items. If multiple listings of the same item from the same seller are not a telltale sign that the seller is a fraudster, you should go ahead with caution. If multiple Listing of the same item is available there, then you can go ahead further.
3. Give special attention to the seller's advertisement. Check also that where the item is coming from. If the item is coming from overseas Like Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, etc, Then Proceed with caution. Here selling fakes is a notoriously common practice. PLEASE NOTE HOWEVER that many upscale designer items are actually made in China, Italy, Mexico & the U.S.A. This can be shown by a "Made in China, etc." tag or marking inside. Make sure the product you buy corresponds to the photo represented on the website.
4. Check for an authenticity guarantee from the seller. The authorized dealers sell authentic handbags which come with holograms. Also, they should be asked for the warranty cards.
5. Avoid the handbags made of cheap and shiny leather. Look for clear and direct descriptions. The zips used should be made of corrosion free materials.
6. Look for key terms such as "1st quality, irregular, etc." Also note that some designer brands make a special invisible indentation or "X" inside select items (see photo below.) This mark indicates that the item was not purchased in a retail store. Checking this Symbol "X" can be a good authenticity clue for the women’s.
7. A buyer must be sure of the ways the bag is going to be used. A stylish handbag can never be helpful to carry heavy things bought in the market. Remember, the fancy handbags are not one's shopping bags.
8. Look for items with tags, booklets, care cards and warranty cards to support a claim of authenticity. Also look for or ask designer tissue paper, dust cover bags and gift boxes that often go with upscale designer items.
9. The relation between the user's body and bag's shape must be given due consideration. For example; a middle-sized handbag, touching the top of the waist, is the most suitable for a curved and tall body. A woman with a plus size shape should not use too small bags. A woman with a slim look must go for a close-fitting bag.
10. Always buy items that have real photos. Look carefully at these for authenticity patches, serial numbers or other quality/authenticity clues.
11. Pay attention to any plastic packaging on hang tags, around the edging or on the handle straps.
There are many styles of handbags available in the market like small evening bags, or clutches, which may or may not have handles. Most handbags are worn over the shoulder, and some of these may have one or two straps. Additionally, those with short straps that can't be worn over the shoulder are called satchels.
Buying a bag can be a major decision for every woman .You can buy handbags/Purse from different shops available in your market but nowadays some women’s prefer to buy it from Internet site like eBay, Home shopping and many more. Before buying online, you all should keep some points in your mind to buy the best handbags.
1. A good way to avoid your chances of getting a fake is to look for new designer styles and products. Many companies have nice looking photos but when you actually receive the goods, they are completely different from what was showed to you on their website. Go for the branded products or with the known seller.
2. When you found an item on eBay in which you are interested in, check, if the seller is selling more than one of the same items. If multiple listings of the same item from the same seller are not a telltale sign that the seller is a fraudster, you should go ahead with caution. If multiple Listing of the same item is available there, then you can go ahead further.
3. Give special attention to the seller's advertisement. Check also that where the item is coming from. If the item is coming from overseas Like Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, etc, Then Proceed with caution. Here selling fakes is a notoriously common practice. PLEASE NOTE HOWEVER that many upscale designer items are actually made in China, Italy, Mexico & the U.S.A. This can be shown by a "Made in China, etc." tag or marking inside. Make sure the product you buy corresponds to the photo represented on the website.
4. Check for an authenticity guarantee from the seller. The authorized dealers sell authentic handbags which come with holograms. Also, they should be asked for the warranty cards.
5. Avoid the handbags made of cheap and shiny leather. Look for clear and direct descriptions. The zips used should be made of corrosion free materials.
6. Look for key terms such as "1st quality, irregular, etc." Also note that some designer brands make a special invisible indentation or "X" inside select items (see photo below.) This mark indicates that the item was not purchased in a retail store. Checking this Symbol "X" can be a good authenticity clue for the women’s.
7. A buyer must be sure of the ways the bag is going to be used. A stylish handbag can never be helpful to carry heavy things bought in the market. Remember, the fancy handbags are not one's shopping bags.
8. Look for items with tags, booklets, care cards and warranty cards to support a claim of authenticity. Also look for or ask designer tissue paper, dust cover bags and gift boxes that often go with upscale designer items.
9. The relation between the user's body and bag's shape must be given due consideration. For example; a middle-sized handbag, touching the top of the waist, is the most suitable for a curved and tall body. A woman with a plus size shape should not use too small bags. A woman with a slim look must go for a close-fitting bag.
10. Always buy items that have real photos. Look carefully at these for authenticity patches, serial numbers or other quality/authenticity clues.
11. Pay attention to any plastic packaging on hang tags, around the edging or on the handle straps.
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It is also important to select a handbag that fits your personality as well as your overall style. Sometimes it's hard to decipher between a fake and a real handbag..Great tips in this article.
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