Remove fluids from Lungs

Remove Fluid from Lungs: Removing fluids from the lungs is a procedure that removes fluid from a pleural space between the lungs and wall chest and is also known as Thoracentesis. The condition itself is known as pulmonary edema. Our lungs are the largest organ in our body and are vital as its proper functioning is what keeps us alive. It has the function of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. There are many ways fluid can develop in the lungs.

 Heart failure is one these ways. When the heart fails, pressure builds up in the veins and they begin to leak. This disrupts your breathing and causes shortness of breath. Some ways to detect that you are having this problem is: shortness of breath, coughing, sudden respiratory distress when lying down, pale skin and also anxiety. Treatments Patients can be given high dosages of oxygen so that they can breathe easier. This is done using an oxygen mask.

 Severe cases are required to wear breathing machine and this could be over a long period of time. Others are given drugs like diuretics. This drug is also known as the water pills. It helps to remove fluid in the lungs through urination.  

Another way that it can be treated is Thoracentesis. For this procedure you don't need to go to the hospital as it can be done in the doctor's office. You are asked to remove all clothing and given a paper covering. You will be seated and asked to lean forward on a table. A needle is inserted in the space filled with fluid while it collects in a bag or syringe.

 Intravenous Nitrates are other treatments that are given to the patients. These help with improving cardiac function for the patient. Morphine and Nitro-glycerine can also be given as treatments. They help to remove anxiety, improve blood circulation and the excretion of waste fluids. A chest tube may also be inserted and between the chest walls. A plastic tube may also placed in your chest between two ribs. A box is then connected to the tube and it sucks the fluid out. A x-ray may be taken after to make sure that the procedure was successful.

 Tips and Warnings: If this condition isn't treated it can become life threatening. Make sure to tell your doctor if you are on medication, allergic to any medicine like anaesthetics or if you are pregnant as this can cause complication to the procedure.
 Depending on what may have caused this condition in the first place that may also need to be treated so that it doesn't occur again. 
 Maintain a healthy diet and that means no smoking, less alcohol consumption and less salt in foods. Also make it a regular habit to exercise.
 During the Thoracentesis it is important that the patient holds their breath while the needle is being inserted so as not to pierce the lungs.


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